September 2023
The Friends of the Opera House were saddened to accept the resignation of President John Puzzo due to health concerns. At a special meeting of the board Peggy McDonald Hart (board member) was elected as the new president.
Peggy was born and raised in Woodstock and attended Northern Illinois University. Her career was spent teaching and in educational publishing. She comes to this position with a strong background in leadership and marketing.
Having lived all over the United States, Peggy was excited to be able to move back to Woodstock upon retirement. And being able to be involved with the Friends of the Opera House is, as she says, “the icing on the cake—a way to give back to the community I love.”

Opera House Open House a Huge Success!

Washer and Dryer

Cocktails with Willie

Annual Membership Meeting

Friends Sponsors Ballet Folklorico

Treasure Island

What is an LED Wall You May Ask

Friends of the Opera House Support Active Older Adults