The Friends of the Opera House are continuing a beloved tradition by sponsoring the interactive play, Treasure Island. The children in the audience get to volunteer to assume the roles of the pirates and act in this parody of the classic Treasure Island. Of course, bedlam ensues, and the children love it. The LED wall was used and led to more realism with the screen showing the ocean, being on a ship and storms. A big thanks to Katie Comella who was the producer and director of this grand afternoon of theater for children. For the first time the young theater goers were able to choose an eye patch or pirate hat to wear during the show. Dressing in pirate attire is always encouraged.

Opera House Open House a Huge Success!

Washer and Dryer

Cocktails with Willie

Annual Membership Meeting

Friends Sponsors Ballet Folklorico

Treasure Island

What is an LED Wall You May Ask

Friends of the Opera House Support Active Older Adults